Checkmaster Comparator

Checkmaster is the flexible gauging solution for short production runs. Simply setup your Universal Tooling set to suit your application (see opposite), fit your preferred indicator and zero against a master for fast accurate and incredibly repeatable results. Gauging force can be adjusted for softer materials and biased for either internal or external dimensions by a simple lever selection. This enables multi-dimension setups to be easily catered for.

Need absolute results?

Using Bowers’ standard digital indicator, the master size can be pre-set. Now the results are displayed as Absolute dimensions. Tolerances can be entered and an out of tolerance symbol will flash for even quicker reference.


The Universal Tooling Set includes 2 x universal tooling blocks, combination blade / radius anvil, Mushroom anvils and mounting bars to allow a variety of internal and external features to be measured.

Checkmasters can be supplied with or without indicators. If ordered ‘Less Indicator’ the Checkmaster will be supplied with a set of split bushes to suit any 8mm or 3⁄8″ stem mount gauge with a suitable reach.

  • Unique 3 gauge station and readout capability
  • Remarkable versatility and repeatability
  • Accepts most dial indicators, digital indicators (12.7mm travel) and Gauging Probes
  • Excellent gauge repeatability and reproducibility (G.R. & R.) capability
  • Exceptionally tough for shopfloor on-line inspection
  • Measuring force, with adjustable setting
  • Multi functional
  • Ideal for SPC and 100% inspection
  • Left or right hand operation
Product Code Description
1050 Checkmaster Comparator without indicator


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Tonan Asia Autotech Co., Ltd.

Line: @tonanasia

Tel: 0-2565-9370-4



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